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Blood Thinner Side Effects of Pradaxa Triggers Multiple Lawsuits

Following the formation of the pharmaceutical Pradaxa multidistrict litigation (MDL 2385) in late 2012, there have been more than 640 new federal claims filed. The majority of plaintiffs are alleging that the blood thinner has caused them internal bleeding and other potentially life-threatening side effects. Dabigatran, better known as Pradaxa, marketed by Boehringer Ingelheim, is…


Surgical Complications Can Mean Good Business for Many Hospitals

According to an article published this April in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), rather than lose money when things go wrong, hospitals typically profit from the medical mistakes they make, whether or not negligence is involved. Interestingly, hospitals are compensated by insurers when patients stay hospitalized longer and additional care is required to…


Better Workplace Regulations And Stricter Enforcement of Current Regulations Key to Workplace Safety

The recent fertilizer plant explosion which caused multiple fatalities and serious injury in West, Texas, has raised the public visibility of workplace safety issues. “Every worker should be able to feel that their safety and the safety of their coworkers is a priority,” stated Waxahachie personal injury attorney John Hale. “But unfortunately, workplace safety continues…


Texas Highways Safer Than They Were, Still Potentially Dangerous For Drivers

Though traffic fatality numbers have dropped over the past few years, Texas highways remain dangerous. Among the latest of traffic fatalities, the survivors of a man from East Texas who died have just filed a lawsuit alleging wrongful death. The suit alleges that a truck driver acted with negligence when he backed up his truck…


Drowsy Driving Is An Underreported Danger

A study recently released by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has shed new light on the number of “drowsy driving” incidents. “Drowsy driving,” or falling asleep behind the wheel is an underreported and dangerous issue on the roadways. Because there is no definitive test to determine sleepiness behind the wheel, state reporting relies…


Faulty Defibrillator Wires Are Once Again Being Recalled

St. Jude’s ultra-thin defibrillator wires are part of a new recall for heart patients. On January 13, St. Jude Medical Inc. issued a recall of the wire that is used to secure a device designed to close an opening which can occur in the heart between the two upper chambers. According to the recall, the…